3 2016 12 29 14.09.44

Plastic Cabbage in Barbados? Supermarket Chain pledges Inquiry

Plastic Cabbage in Barbados? Supermarket Chain pledges Inquiry

3 2016 12 29 14.09.44

TV stations in Jamaica recently had news features on what appeared to be plastic rice melting in household pots and their video features went viral on Instagram, over here in Barbados there are now two separate videos circulating on WhatsApp showing what appears to be “plastic cabbage,” which caused one merchant to summon health authorities…

Maintaining the quality of all products on his shelves, including cabbage, managing director of Carlton and A1 Supermarkets Andrew Bynoe, whose Black Rock, St Michael store is named in one of the videos, said he took the step to ensure the safety of his customers and consumers.

In one of the social media videos, a Barbadian is seen holding a cabbage leaf over an open flame on a stove – and the “leaf” appears to be rather flame resistant.

Obviously stunned at the idea of consuming a foreign substance, the alleged customer makes a warning where Bajans should go to shop and maybe consider not having cole slaw in their future meals until matters clear up…

Mr Bynoe, a former Senator, says he called Port Health, which is responsible for assessing imported products, and he’s awaiting word on whether personnel would follow through with an inspection of his stock.

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