
Harrison College debating team seek help with Airfare for World Schools Debating Championships in Singapore

Harrison College debating team seek help with Airfare for World Schools Debating Championships in Singapore


In an effort to increase students’ cognitive abilities and oratorical skills, the Harrison College Debating Society is constantly seeking opportunities for students to engage and foster their critical thinking skills, while providing the school and wider society with possible solutions to issues which particularly face their generation.

These students form a think-tank from which ideas are borne to allow their peers to develop, thus improving their quality of living and that of those around them.
These students form a think-tank from which ideas are borne to allow their peers to develop, thus improving their quality of living and that of those around them.

In addition, the Debating Society is the flag-bearer of quality speakers with whom excellence is the hallmark. One opportunity which they pursue is participation in the annual World Schools’ Debating Championship, the premier international debating event for high schools.

Faculty Advisor of The Harrison College Debating Society Carl Applewhaite says, "The opportunity to represent Barbados at the international level is one which should be whole-heartedly embraced. Indeed, we acknowledge this is an expensive but worthwhile undertaking".
Faculty Advisor of The Harrison College Debating Society Carl Applewhaite says, “The opportunity to represent Barbados at the international level is one which should be whole-heartedly embraced. Indeed, we acknowledge this is an expensive but worthwhile undertaking“.

Although the group have met their financial obligations for the registration fee for Singapore, which includes: meals, accommodation and transport, Applewhaite says they are in a dire situation of trying to meet the remaining financial obligations for the airfare.

“In 2011, we participated for the first time and won the coveted Best New Nation award. Because of our outstanding performance, we were invited to participate in the PAN American Debating Championship, held in Chile, July 2012. Unfortunately, due to a lack of finances, we missed participation in the PANAM Championships and World Schools’ Debating Championship (W.S.D.C.). However, we participated in the W.S.D.C. in Istanbul, Turkey in January 2013 and in Thailand in 2014,” he explained.

At a time when society seems to be bemoaning the standards of youth, he believes it is inspiring to see the students trying their best to achieve success not only for themselves, but for their country as well.

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