Sir David Simmons



Sir David Simmons

Two Barbadian chief justices will take to the stage during the NANIKI CARIBBEAN JAZZ SAFARI 2013 to honour Barbados-based jazz luminary Edwin “Ebe” Gilkes for his indelible contribution to the Caribbean jazz movement.

{IMAGE VIA -} Trinidad born Gilkes is best known among jazz aficionados for appearing with his groups the Ebe Gilkes Trio and the Ebe Gilkes Quartet at several venues across the island. In 2010, he received the Barbados Service Star for his contributions to jazz in Barbados.
{IMAGE} Trinidad born Gilkes is best known among jazz aficionados for appearing with his groups the Ebe Gilkes Trio and the Ebe Gilkes Quartet at several venues across the island. In 2010, he received the Barbados Service Star for his contributions to jazz in Barbados.

Former chief justice and the sitting chief justice , both of whom are musicians in their own right, have consented to lending their support in tribute to the iconic figure of jazz at the Frank Collymore Hall on January 18, 2013.

Significantly, that night will feature the prominent American hard bop pianist Cedar Walton who will be celebrating his 79th birthday in a production entitled “Happy Birthday Cedar Walton”. Also appearing that night will be The Nnenna Freelon Quartet from the United States.

Sir David, a trumpeter will read the citation while Sir Marston, a bassist, formerly with the House of Soca calypso tent and the Festival Band - backing orchestra for the Pic-O-De-Crop calypso competition, will present the pianist with a lifetime achievement award in recognition of his 57 years dedication to music and, in particular jazz .
Sir David, a trumpeter will read the citation while Sir Marston, a bassist, formerly with the House of Soca calypso tent and the Festival Band – backing orchestra for the Pic-O-De-Crop calypso competition, will present the pianist with a lifetime achievement award in recognition of his 57 years dedication to music and, in particular jazz .

Sir Marston explained the reasons for his involvement, “Excellent musicians shouldn’t just be rewarded, they should be cherished. Honouring titans such as Ebe Gilkes is a way of encouraging our young musicians by reminding them that music is not a second-class pursuit and that one can decide, at age 12 or 13, that he or she wishes to be a musician rather than the preferred parental choices like a doctor, lawyer, engineer, accountant or judge.”

“Honouring Ebe is as much an expression of Barbados' appreciation of his musical genius as it is an investment in the careers of our young musical aspirants by showing them that there is, indeed, a future in music," Sir Marston added.
“Honouring Ebe is as much an expression of Barbados’ appreciation of his musical genius as it is an investment in the careers of our young musical aspirants by showing them that there is, indeed, a future in music,” Sir Marston added.

Organiser of the NANIKI CARIBBEAN JAZZ SAFARI , explained the raison d’être for including the tribute in the already tight itinerary of five day festival,

“It shows younger musicians that we do have a local tradition of musical excellence and our very own mentors who they can look up to. We have excellent students coming out of the Barbados Community College, some of whom will be performing during the festival, and it is important for them, as well as other younger musicians to understand that rich tradition and encourage them to have a role in developing that tradition.”

Hinds also stated the NANIKI CARIBBEAN JAZZ SAFARI is slated to travel to Antigua, St Vincent and Grenada in March and April; stalwart musicians from each territory will be also be honoured during the festival.
Hinds also stated the NANIKI CARIBBEAN JAZZ SAFARI is slated to travel to Antigua, St Vincent and Grenada in March and April; stalwart musicians from each territory will be also be honoured during the festival.

The local leg of the takes place January 17 to 21, 2013 and will be held at venues across the island, such as the Old Fort at the Hilton, Harrison’s Cave, Ilaro Court, the Naniki Amphitheatre as well as the Frank Collymore Hall.

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