agriculture spraying

Reproductive Cancer and Pesticides: Caribbean – Martinique under threat from Prostate & Breast Cancers with particular chemicals

Reproductive Cancer and Pesticides: Caribbean – Martinique under threat from Prostate & Breast Cancers with particular chemicals

agriculture spraying

This tweet (@brucepotter) may be of interest to members of the FAO-Carib lists — especially those using herbicides and pesticides — especially because there is so little information exchange between the “French” and “English” Caribbean, (not to mention the “Spanish” Caribbean and the blockadedand the non-blockadedCaribbean):

FAO Carib-Agri is a service provided by the FAO Sub-Regional Office, Barbados

Tweet on an important theme, based on references supplied by Island Resources Foundation Associate Bill Rainey:

Reproductive Cancer and Pesticides: Martinique

The link is to the Island Resources Foundation’s blog…

[Program Associate Bill Rainey passes on these two interesting articles showing high concentrations of cancer-causing pesticides in the environment and in the people of the Caribbean – specifically Martinique, but possibly otheragriculturalislands – especially windward islands with banana cultivation; probably no one is looking in these other islands.]

Bottom line, quoting from the Landau-Ossondo abstract:

We therefore suggested that among possible environmental factors, the intensive and prolonged exposure to Carcinogenic, Mutagenic and/or Reprotoxic (CMR) or presumed CMR pesticides may account for the observed growing incidence of prostate cancer and thus may be involved in prostate carcinogenesis.

In this study, we further attempt to show that due to their carcinogenic properties, pesticides and especially organochlorine pesticides may in fact be causally implicated in the growing incidence of prostate cancer in Martinique. Also, we suggest that CMR or presumed CMR pesticides may be causally involved in the growing incidence of breast cancer through a common endocrine disruption mechanism.

We therefore propose that protective medical recommendations should be immediately set up and carried out by general practitioners, paediatricians, obstetricians, gynaecologists and urologists; and that public health measures of primary precaution and prevention should be urgently taken in close collaboration with health professionals in order to protect population, more especially pregnant women and children, with the ?nal objective perhaps that these medical recommendations and public health measures will stop Martinique’s cancer epidemic.



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One response to “Reproductive Cancer and Pesticides: Caribbean – Martinique under threat from Prostate & Breast Cancers with particular chemicals”

  1. […] here: Reproductive Cancer and Pesticides: Caribbean ? Martinique under … barbados, caribbean, controversy, cricket, culture, disclaimer, gossip, island, martinique, music, […]

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